Everything is a learning opportunity. Whether it's through my career, education or life experiences, not a day goes by when I'm not reflecting and learning something about it. Here you'll get a glimpse into my successes, failures, and realizations, as well as tips to how you can unfold in your personal and professional life.
The Dilemma of “Undercover” Alone Time
I did the unthinkable a while back. I shut my laptop down, walked out of my office into the cold winter air, and jumped into my car – with no destination. What made…
7 Ways to Float on Cloud Nine – and What the Research Says
Recently, I have been on a journey to learn about happiness (still in progress!) through reading, listening to podcasts, watching other people, and then considering what makes me happy. As I sat down…
Reflections on the Stages of Unfolding
For a moment, I felt I could see deep within their soul and a feeling that we were the same. I was paired with a stranger, facing them, standing less than two feet…
The Climb Up Mount Kenya – A Lesson in (Not) Planning
I remember sitting in the old camp, with layers of clothing on, ravenous and grateful for our bowl of beans and noodles. I gained new insight about my husband on the day we…
What’s in a name?
If I can’t stand up for my name, then what can I stand up for? I loved Mr. Balfour, my grade three teacher. I don’t clearly remember why I had a crush on…
My Blog: The Ups and Downs
Week 4 developing my blog… For the past few weeks I’ve been running on adrenaline. Every day I’d get home from work, have dinner with my kids and husband, put the kids to…
My Blog: It’s like those piano lessons I took as a kid – I want to learn faster
Week 1 in developing my blog… A Steep Learning Curve When I decided I wanted to start writing more and set my sights on creating a blog on a web site, I knew…
Unfamiliar Territory
It is generally understood that our behavior and the decisions we make are not always based on fact, expertise or research, but rather on what we’ve done in the past. $1,500. That magical…
My Blog: Finding my flow
Week 2 in developing my blog… “…The best moments usually occur if a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits…” I bit the bullet and am officially paying for this web…
You Watch My Tag, I’ll Watch Your Toilet Paper
I sit there on the subway, the price tag of the woman’s leather coat dangling in front of me. I feel embarrassed just looking at her. She looks like one of those women…