About Me

What makes you really happy?

What’s that “thing” that you can happily get lost in, brings you peace, or inspires and excites you?

Are you doing it?

All my life I’ve been drawn to writing. It’s the only time my mind is completely free and uninhibited. The chatter in my head is muted, I can completely express myself, take time to reflect, and most important – just be me.

Even though I have always loved writing, something often held me back from picking up the pen.  Fear, doubt, lack of time – so many “things”! 

I had to ask myself – If I’m holding back on doing something that makes me happy, how am I being in the rest of my life? 

How many times have my fears and doubts stopped me in my tracks? How can I break out of my comfort zone, to not be afraid to share, to fully experience life and to “unfold” the best of me?

I’m getting there. Because I’ve been unfolding all of my life!

I’m a mother to a five-year old girl and seven-year old boy.  I’m a wife, sister, aunt, friend, and lover of the simple things (like my morning coffee), the outdoors (hiking), family gatherings and engaging conversations.

I was fortunate to grow up in a number of cities, spending most of my teen years and early twenties in St. John’s Newfoundland, surrounded by a large extended family and rich culture of food, music and storytelling. I currently live in Ontario, Canada.   

At heart, I’m an introvert who is quiet, observant, and reflective. But I’ve learned how and when to turn on the energetic, sassy and “extroverted” side of myself. I’m enjoying that side even more as I explore what’s important to me and find opportunities to unfold – in ways that work for me.

In my work life I’m a learning and development professional. I’m a course and program designer, a facilitator, change agent, researcher and continuous learner.

I’m also a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC). I focus on coaching people and organizations who believe that the path to the greatest personal and organizational change and success begins with the growth of their own inner awareness and consciousness, and an understanding of the lens and the energy they bring into the world. 

And now I am a writer. Finally!

What is the intent behind my site?

What I do on my site is share reflections on ways I have “unfolded” – from a quiet, reserved person who colors within the lines and follows the rules to the tee, to a person who has a stronger voice, pushes against self-doubt and can fully express herself. I do that each time I write – because when I write it is the full expression of who I am. I hope you get a sense of me through your reading.

I’ve focused on three main areas for unfolding.

  • One, experiences – in hiking, traveling and outdoor fun.
  • Two, self-development – through experiences in my career, personal and professional development.
  • Three, relationships – as a parent, friend and wife.

What I hope my site does for you is entertain, stimulate reflection, and perhaps open your eyes to how you can unfold (more). To be empowered by being you.

Thanks again for stopping by – and Happy Unfolding!  


Contact: unfoldyourselfblog@gmail.com