My Blog: Clearing the way
Week 3 in developing my blog…
On a roll, with a vision and path in sight!
What an eye opening experience I had yesterday!
I had a one hour consultation with Rebecca of Rebecca Grace Web Designs. She walked me through Squarespace and cleared up so many areas of confusion for me. I had been trudging through my template for more than a week and felt “stuck”. I love design, but I’ve never built a site, so the difference between pages and links and categories was all new to me. Now I know and it’s such a relief! What I had spent more than a week trying to figure out was clear within an hour.
Since yesterday I’ve been working at a steady pace, knowing everything is in place and I can continue to build on it.
Another area I’ve been working on is training. I received a training module from a contact I made. I must admit, I almost didn’t want to look at it. My wary and suspicious side was rearing it’s ugly head. I kept wondering what’s in it for them…why do they want to help me? I know I will benefit them in some way, and that’s not a bad thing. Thankfully I can see they are real and true – the training is great so far. And I’m realizing how that little voice in my head is trying desperately to put doubt in my mind. Once again, I’m grateful I’ve been able to push that voice aside. The darn thing wants to derail me!
I’ve also been writing. And I accelerated that process by going back to past writing and stories, some from my Toastmasters days, some from past contests, some unfinished. I don’t know why I didn’t think about this sooner. I’ve gone from two stories to eight in a week! Only ten more to go before I officially launch (on social media)!
Finally, I started the process for a logo design through Fiverr. Not sure what I’ll get for $16 Canadian but it’s worth a shot! I’m excited to see what they come up with and will share when they come back to me.
Next, I’m going to clean up my site, put in links, liven it up a bit! I’m going to give it the Dana once over and make sure it’s as “good looking” at it can be. Once that’s done, I’m going to link my domain to it and get it Google-ized (make sure it can be found on Google).
So, this week has been about clearing the way. Getting help when I need it, trusting people, and continuing to make baby steps each day.
Still on a roll, with a vision and path in sight!

One Comment
Thank-you! So many great blogs out there and all very different, based on what interests you. If you did a search and then by topic, you’ll definitely come across others you also enjoy. Take care.