I Didn’t Look For Coaching; It Found Me
Note: I am not compensated for my references to the organization I’m doing my coaching with. It’s just me doing what I love – sharing my learning journey!
It was a weekend I had been planning for some time. I needed a quiet space for three days, which seemed an impossible task with COVID-19. For four months already I had been taking care of my kids and working from home, while my husband worked 12-hour days managing a building project. But for this weekend, I needed a space where I wouldn’t be interrupted. One that would be give me time to digest the information I was learning and lean into a whole new way of interacting with people in and not yet in my life.
On that weekend in July I hunkered down in my sister-in-law’s basement to begin my coaching education with IPEC, the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching. It’s an 8-month program that incorporates face-to-face sessions, with considerable practice and application. Their mission is “to raise the consciousness of the world, one person at a time”.
That weekend in July was reserved to complete the first of three in-class modules offered by IPEC. Of course, because of the pandemic, Module 1 turned into a virtual session. As a learning and development professional I wondered how they would do it. How in the world could they keep 30 plus people engaged for three days and 30 hours of training? They did it though, through great trainers and participants, engaging content, and lots of interactivity. It was a whirlwind but satisfying and engaging on many levels.
Why coaching?
I had never sought out coaching, and to be honest, I didn’t truly know what a coach could give me. Why would I pay someone when I felt I was fully capable of figuring things out for myself? As someone who loves to learn, I just seek out what I need, maybe do a course or two, conduct my own research, or reach out to others when I have a question.
So why did I make the decision to be a coach? It was because I was being tapped and nudged in that direction. When I say that I mean the little signs and hints that began to appear in my life. Many times we don’t even see these taps or nudges that can be pushing us in a certain direction. But when we’re ready, open and aware they become difficult to ignore.
Towards the end of 2019 I was starting to feel stir crazy (some irony here considering what was to come in 2020!). I wanted a change and my mind was looking for a new challenge. I considered going back to university to complete my Masters in Education. It seemed the “practical” direction for me to go. As I explored going back to university signs and hints of coaching were popping up everywhere. (In fact, if I were to think back to earlier times, I think the hints had been coming for a long time. I just didn’t “see” them until recently.)
One might think the hints were for me to hire a coach. Maybe they were! Instead, I ended up exploring what coaching is and whether it might be something I would like to do. Finally, early in the new year I simply woke up one day and began to research specific coaching programs.
What was I looking for?
When I was looking for a program there were a number of “criteria” I was considering:
- I wanted an in-depth, longer program, supported by research, and lots of opportunities for application and feedback.
- I was looking for a program that would set me up for success in getting my coaching certification with the ICF (International Coaching Federation), which is what I will do after I receive my CPC (Certified Professional Coach) certification from IPEC.
- I wanted an approach and content that would speak to me, and would encourage my own self-reflection and personal development.
- I DID NOT want a program that tried to “sell” to me too hard. I didn’t want to feel pushed or to be inundated with emails.
- I wanted a program that had a strong reputation. I looked at lots of reviews and comparisons of coaching programs and also reached out to people on LinkedIn who had completed IPEC.
- I was looking for a program that would provide me with support to start my own coaching business, including tools and templates to use.
What I think so far?
I’m now post Module 1 and in the depths of practice with a peer coach who coaches me, a mentor coach and a coachee who I coach, group coaching and lots of webinars and other learning. I’m growing more confident in my coaching and embracing the techniques and principles that I’m being taught. Eventually I expect that rather than simply using the approaches and tools I’m being taught, coaching will become a part of me. I’m already started to see that in the way I interact with my husband and children.
Also, what I am seeing now is how much I could have benefited from a coach! I am seeing that a coach could have helped me in the execution of certain steps in my life. They could have shined a light on how I was holding myself back. I will most definitely be hiring one after my training to help me further my coaching practice.
Mostly, right now, I’m learning a lot about myself and what value I can bring as a coach. Just like we’re all unique and have our own strengths and experiences, what I bring as a coach will be unique. I’ll be unraveling and defining what that is over the remainder of the program and then sharing that. I feel like I’m definitely on the right path.
My insights into what coaching is?
Prior to starting any coach training my definition of coaching was “empowering, encouraging and guiding people to reach their fullest potential”. As part of this, I thought coaching was about walking clients through a “process” of self-discovery and that I would have a step-by-step defined way to do it. I’m a process and planning girl – I love a framework and way to do things! Even though this is certainly a component of coaching, it is a sliver of the whole journey. This is what else I’m realizing:
- Being a coach is about being able to tap into my own intuition, gifts and experiences to help bring awareness and consciousness to clients. This means that as a coach, it’s important to do my own internal work. To be aware of myself and how I present myself in the world. To know what’s holding me back from being the truest and most authentic version of me. After all, I want my clients to be aware of who they are and how they show up each day. This awareness enables them to not only identify what may be keeping them from realizing their fullest potential but also help them to take steps toward change that are empowering and in line with who they are.
- Being a coach is being aware of my own thoughts, feelings and actions. Even though we all make judgements and have our own interpretations and assumptions of the world, when I coach it’s important to be grounded and to be aware of my own biases and perceptions of a situation. As a coach, it’s not my job to offer advice or direction, which requires a level of judgement. It’s about letting my client lead and helping them to find the key to a door that may have been closed, which, when open, reveals new opportunity and abundance. It’s about listening, asking them empowering questions, and knowing that they are the only ones who know themselves – are whole, complete and fully capable human beings, able to find the answers within.
- I could have gone what I considered the “practical” route with more formal university education. But this time I chose something that was a bit of a leap of faith for me. Being a coach is perfect for me on many levels. It is in line with my strengths and energy. And it feels right. This is how I know I’ll be successful. My heart is in it. For me and my future clients.
As part of the program I am offering complimentary (virtual) sessions. If you’re:
- curious to experience coaching,
- feeling a little nudge or connection towards me,
- open to exploring how you show up in the world,
- knowing that there’s more in the world for you and not sure what to do next,
- feeling like you’re wanting something and not sure what that is, or
- knowing what you want, and think you need a little help to get there…
Please reach out to me at: unfoldyourselfblog@gmail.com.
Unfold yourself through coaching!